Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week 6 / Weigh in at 3am

Really Really Really struggling with staying positive the last couple of days. I started a week ago on a 30 day challenge to post on Facebook a positive quote. It seems easy and I was out to stop some of the whiny posts I read about small stuff. Some people just NEVER seem to be happy. So in doing this, several things have went wrong for me. Almost as a challenge to keep posting "good happy quotes" when I am crying on the inside. 

Friday-Sunday our puppy, Jazzy had a anaphylactic reaction to her vaccinations and got very sick. We had a few hard, scary days with her. 
Monday, I woke up with a fever, did not feel well all day. 
Tuesday, my car did not start. Will be towed this morning to the dealer, hopefully fixed under warranty. 
Wednesday, yes today..I woke up at 3 in pain when I turned over in bed. I got up and could not put any weight on my foot. Feels like a sprain:( Ibuprofen and put my foot up. I have no clue what I did. However I got on the scale. To my surprise I was 210. I am officially 15lbs down!! 

So, I'm guessing God has given me something to be happy and positive about. Then I started thinking, we love our puppy that much more because we saw her so sick, when she shows unconditional love to us. Also, I was sick but I work from home and could lay around and go back to bed. Next, I thought..we have 2 cars, insurance and money in the bank. Our car only has 4000 miles left on the warranty and even though it is an inconvenience, it will beneficial to have it fixed now and actually a blessing in disguise. I don't have anything secretly positive about my foot, but if that is the worst..I got this! Here is a quote from one of my favorite people, Tony Dungy that fits this recap "Sometimes I think God wants there to be a circus so we can show there's another way to respond." I too believe you have a choice on how you handle life, for me..I hope to stay positive, I have plenty to be thankful for <3 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sooooo the grass isn't getting any greener.....

I have been super busy with my days, and eating healthy has become more of a challenge than I would prefer:( Preparing to "live healthy" is a Full-time job! 
You can't prepare for one meal..but need to watch the way things will unfold and land into 2-3 meals. Mark and I have not been executing daily or weekly activities:( 

We have been eating better, being VERY conscientious about what we put in our mouths has helped a ton! We didn't get stupid.. I want you to know I have only had 2... french fries in 5 weeks!! One was from Carson's meal, and 1 was Jordan's meal. I could eat a small fry almost every other day before!! Sad but true, a Large diet & small fry was a "Go to" so I wouldn't pass out on my hours of running around! 

Okay as Mark said we are back on track.. I think we are. One KEY element.. YOU have to get groceries or you set yourself up for failure and your emotions, swim in the toilet you flush!! Sooooooo my goal this week WAS get groceries and get prepared!!  

We begrudgingly weighed in today. We are on week 5:( However Mark & I saw our LOWEST weights!! Thank God Mark weighed in at 271.8 = to 11 lbs down!! WOO HOO!! My weigh in was... 211.4 = 13 lbs down!!! I'm very happy we were both super successful in an amazing way:) We are ON TRACK and on our way!! 

Keep on keeping on! We are still here like you, we struggle and cheat but get right back on it! 

Thank you for following us:) WE are a toddler down, between us! 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Hello my name is...

So it's been a minute since the pixels of this page have been prompted to permutate. It doesn't seem like it's been over 10 days since we've last blogged, but as they say, the proof is in the pudding (which in this case would be sugar free). 

A lot of good things are happening at Club Bristol, but unfortunately eating right and increasing exercise aren't 2 of them for me. I did find out that I got a raise this week, in a job I've only been in about 4 months; Jordan made the A-Team, so I guess we need to search for a B.A. Baracus costume now. 

Wait, I've just been told it was the Franklin Grizzlies 5th grade basketball A-Team, sorry for the confusion. 

Anyway, our lives continue to be busy, and getting healthy continues to need to be a priority. I'm contemplating skipping my weigh in tomorrow as I've convinced myself it's not likely to be good. On one hand, maybe I need the reality check to jump start my motivation again. On the other hand, since I feel it will be unfavorable, maybe I don't "face the music", give it my own B.A. effort for the next week and see where we stand then. 

I'll hang up now so I can listen I your response. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Finished a bag of chips...

Beware Triskaidekaphobics, this may not be your day! 

As I'm writing today, I'm finishing a bag of chips (as the title indicates). I'm sure the quantity is larger than the recommended serving, but I'm ok with that. To catch up, my week 2 weigh-in saw me find 2 of the pounds I'd lost the first week. That was disappointing after putting up such a good number from week 1. In that first week I was very diligent in tracking my food and exercise in the MyFitnessPal app, and it paid off! Week 2 came around, and I became a lazy tracker. I guess I figured that week 1 was so easy, I could go on autopilot from there. 

Not the case. 

So, week 3 I was faced with feeling sorry for myself or getting back on the horse. I knew I wanted to lose weight, but I also knew it wouldn't take much more for me to hang it up (again). The simple fact that Chelsie & I are doing this together made it easier to keep going, especially since she is having great results! So at 3 weeks and 1 day, I found myself being down 8 pounds since the start! A 4 pound loss for week 3! This coincided with me finally getting in to see a doctor for rechecks that have been due since June. As most of you probably know, I changed jobs in May, and therefore changing insurance and doctor became necessary. 

I really like my new doctor, and coincidentally he knew my previous doctor even though the practices are about 40 miles apart! Ok, it wasn't really "coincidentally", because God doesn't make mistakes. He led me there for a reason, probably just to make me more comfortable in dealing with the issues I face. 

The good news is that my blood sugar, blood pressure, and bad cholesterol were all improved from my previous check in March!! In fact, my A1C was only 0.1% above the baseline for being considered type II diabetic!! The only 2 areas of focus right now are my weight (which, if you haven't heard, I'm working on) and my "good" cholesterol is low - more exercise and weight loss should bring that up. 

So, back to that bag of chips that has by now been finished. Superficially, one may think that wiping out a bag of chips while writing about losing weight could be quite the paradox. Check out the picture below and see if your opinion changes ;)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

3 Week Weigh in!! Success!!

We are so doing this!! 

Week 3 weigh in 213 lbs! Started at 224.4 lbs down 11.4!!!! Woohoo!! 

Seriously being more active, every day, eating less, drinking water.... seems like logic....Burn more calories than you take in. 3500 calories burned = a pound lost. Water will release toxins and help your energy levels. All simple and basic..and works!!! Also we make mistakes, but it doesn't blow it. Small portions of mistakes, let it be 1 meal and get right back at it. Planning, now that one is big. Away from home we still have problems finding good quality choices. However it is getting better! 

I found the wagon, got back up in it, now... "I want to drive it, like a BOSS!" Haha Have a Great hump day!! 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

2 weeks & 4 days Later...

It's been a week since Mark or I have blogged. 

With most things in life due diligence creates positive changes. This is a sentence but more of a reminder to us. "Life gets in the way!" What a week we have had, and healthy lifestyle changes were very challenging. Here is a recap of our week. 

Monday~ at Moms for Labor Day (Very little healthy food but it was one meal)

Tuesday~ I was sick ALL day to my stomach/ Mark and I got our water in/ ate pretty good/ Boys + Mark had football...Late dinner

Wednesday~ Day before the garage sale and I worked around the clock/ pricing separating/ lots of activity/ ate very little/ My mother in law came in....Taco Bell was dinner:(

Thursday~ Garage Sale day 1/ McDonald's for soda (didn't pack water) Subway for lunch...feel myself slipping/ Boys + Mark Football ...Chicken & Rice dinner with peas and mac n cheese, my mother in law cooked. I didn't eat that much..but had a couple drinks:( 

Friday~ Full on McDonalds breakfast/ Taco Bell Lunch/ Turkey Burgers grilled out for dinner (not sure why...barely hanging onto the rope.. pulling the wagon) 

Saturday~ Day 3 of Garage Sale/ Day 3 of in laws in the house/ Football in the morning/ McDonalds for everyone at the sale about 10:30/ Mi Pueblo at 4:30/ all Diet Pepsi/ No water in 2 days/ Finally packed up 7:00 pm/ hot sweaty, nasty, tired...picked up Hot & Ready Pizza for the family..and officially LET GO of the rope:(

Sunday~ weighed myself...and realized how quick you can damage your progress.... I had lost an additional 5 lbs from last week and found a few back:( Official weight 215.2 at 5:00 pm (yes just a few mins ago). The good news is... I am  very close to 10 lbs down and seriously feel better over all! So I  have been trying all day to locate that dang wagon that kept going when I/we lost the rope. 

We have a plan for this week, hopefully without the diversions we can relocate success. Also the amazing COLT'S won and as much as I'd like my half price Papa Johns pizza tomorrow, I think we will pass! As you all have heard "Rome wasn't built in day." Maybe I should begin research on how actually took??!! 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Road trip!

Chelsie and I are out in Crawfordsville today helping pack and move leftover items from my grandparents residence. This activity helps the family, but also counts as some physical activity to help us with our goals! That's not to say that we hope to incorporate "pack out service" into our frequent work out routine!

On the way out here around lunch time we were trying to decide what might be the lesser of evil drive thru choice for us. Wow, that's a long run on sentence. Anyway, we decided on a turkey Swiss wrap from Arby's. I like to try to make a good choice on the fly, rather than do all the research, then look it up afterwards to see how we did and learn from it the next time. In this case, we actually made a good choice and the wrap was "only" 490 calories. This was one of the best choices Arby's offered, and was actually quite tasty too! Minus onions of course. For fun Chelsie looked up what I likely would have ordered previously, and it would have been about 1100 calories!

It's rumored that pizza might be on the menu for dinner, so we'll have to face that challenge when it arrives. I think it's time to sign off for now. I thought Chelsie just said "there's the big brother van", but apparently she was looking for a big rubber band.